OK, takže info čítaj nižšie. Hlavnou zložkou Sanytolu je didecylmetylamonium chlorid, ktorý je napr. obsiahnutý aj v prípravku Roccal-D, ktorý na zahraničných fórach používajú na čistenie terárii. Podľa mojich výpočtov, ak sa nemýlim, tak Sanytol dezinfekce koupelny má výrazne nižšiu koncentráciu tejto látky ako Roccal-D. Záleží aj aké terárium sa ide čistiť, lebo je rozdiel dezinfikovať plast, sklo alebo nebodaj nejaké drevo. Ja som minule použil sanytol na vyčistenie keramických misiek, ktoré mám na vodu pre zvieratá a aj po fakt dobrom opláchnutí ostal po čase mierny zápach, zvieraťu však nič nebolo. Samozrejme pri akejkoľvek dezinfekcii je potrebné poriadne opláchnuť. Veľmi dobrá na dezinfekciu je para - nepoužil som. Vriaca voda taktiež, aj keď niekde som už čítal, že niektoré mikro/organizmy prežijú aj 100 stupňov.
Disinfectants Useful Around Reptiles.
From the chapter Therapeutics, by Roger J. Klingenberg, DVM. In, Reptile Medicine and Surgery, Douglas R. Mader, DVM, editor. 1996, WB Saunders Co.:
As part of the comprehensive therapeutic plan, the practitioner should make recommendations concerning the hygiene of the reptile's environment. Improper sanitation, including inadequate disinfection, is commonly associated with health problems. The practitioner needs to stress to the owner the importance of proper disinfection and not merely cleaning.
Cleaning refers to the physical removal of organic debris. This reduces exposure to potential pathogens. Soap products are commonly used for cleaning, as they help penetrate and break up stubborn materials. Liquid dish detergent diluted in warm water is an example of a good cleaning agent. However, soap residues can inactivate some disinfectants. "Disinfectant" is a term that is usually applied to a chemical or physical agent that kills vegetative forms of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Disinfectants will not sterilize a surface hut will reduce pathogen numbers more dramatically than cleaners.
There are live main groups of disinfectants used with reptiles:
1. Quaternary ammonium compounds (Roccal-D, Upjohn Co.)
2. Chlorhexidine products (Nolvasan, Aveco Co.)
3. Household bleach (Sodium hypochlorite - many brands)
4. Ammonia (many brands)
5. Inorganic iodine products (e.g., povidone-iodine -many brands)
Regardless of the product used, for adequate disinfection to occur most manufacturers recommend a contact time of 15- 20 minutes. While this may be impractical for large cages, water dishes and cage furniture may be soaked and then well-rinsed. Large enclosures can be sprayed with an appropriate dilution of the disinfectant, which is then rinsed well after the appropriate contact time. Some soap residues can partially inactivate disinfectants such as the quaternary ammonium products, so a thorough rinsing after cleaning is imperative. Some reptiles, such as some of the water turtles and amphibians, are more sensitive to these agents and special attention has to he paid to the rinsing process. Cutaneous absorption of these products could prove to he fatal. Some containers used in animal housing are not totally impervious to these products. Plastic tends to retain some of the cleaning agents and disinfectants. At the National Aquarium in Baltimore, povidone-iodine was implicated in the deaths of some poison dart frogs. lf a chlorine product is used, then a dechlorinizing agent should be added to the rinse water. A thorough rinsing of both the cleaning agents and disinfectants is important to prevent accidental absorption via residues, to limit contact irritants, and to remove odors that could harm the respiratory system of the cage occupant.
Quaternary ammonium products like Roccal-D are very useful and easy to use. Roccal-D is fairly harsh to skin and prolonged contact is to be avoided. Despite rumors to the contrary, Roccal-D has not been shown to be carcinogenic. All cleaning agents used prior to using the disinfectant must be rinsed well or some inactivation of the product may occur. Chlorhexidine products are less harsh and are more commonly used. These products are often combined with cleansing agents (e.g., Nolvasan scrub), but this would he a fairly expensive product to use for general cleaning/disinfection. It is more reasonable to use a good cleaning agent, rinse well, and then apply the chlorhexidine (1%) as a spray; which is ultimately rinsed. This will work equally well for cages, cage furniture, and water dishes.
Povidone-iodine products can also he combined with cleansing agents to produce surgical scrub solutions. These products may penetrate some plastics and should be used with caution in sensitive reptiles. Staining of containers can also occur. The povidone-iodine products are effective for resistant organisms such as Entamoeba spp., although true sterilization is preferred.
Ammonia products are irritating to skin and the respiratory, tract and are infrequently used. However, ammonia-based products in a 5% solution are perhaps the agent of choice for Cryptosporidia spp., which are extremely resistant to disinfection. Mycobacterium spp. are also resistant to most disinfectants, and true sterilization may be required to control these pathogens.
Perhaps the most frequently used cleaning/disinfection combination used by veterinarians is bleach with a soap product, made popular owing to the resistance of canine parvovirus. One ounce (30 ml) of household chlorine bleach is combined with 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of a soap product like Palmolive or Dawn dish detergent in 1 quart of water. Because of the low cost of this mixture, new batches should he mixed with each cleaning/disinfection job. While good results are obtained, this mixture is also irritating to the skin and respiratory system. Chlorine bleach must never be combined with ammonia owing to the potential production of poisonous chlorine gases.
Each practitioner must make his or her own choice based on preference of the products mentioned. Products already in use in the veterinary clinic can be adapted for use with reptiles. Clients should be encouraged to use similar products, but their use must he thoroughly discussed with them if recommended. A handout on cleaning and disinfection techniques may prove to be useful.
*I know currently, these chemicals have not been proven to be carcinogenic but anyone who has spent ample time exposed to these chemicals can tell you that they DO have an effect on the skin or respiratory tract with prolonged exposure. Remember when asbestos was considered completely safe and used in schools? Then decades later it's proven to be highly carcinogenic...just something to think about
Ahoj, chystám se čistit terária u guttek a ciliátů - vždycky jsem to jen vykydala a dala novou pedestýlku, ale teď si říkám, jestli by to nechtělo taky něčím vydesinfikovat - přeci jen cca tři roky je to bez desinfekce. Napadl mě Sanytol. Mám ho doma po desinfekci terárek u vousatek a podle ženské z reklamy (ačkoliv je mi jasné, že na reklamy moc dát nemůžu), která to stříká i na stůl a do ledničky, by to snad nemělo být nijak závadné? Co vy na to? Nebo čím tedy?
Já a ostatní jak už se zmiňoval Pogona máme tento rozměr pro mladá zvířata, pro 1,5m dlouhého hada nelze mít takto malé terárium protože je moc velký. Buď si pořiď tu korálovku nebo třeba heterodon nasicus, ale to jsou pozemní hadi, nešphají takže ti by ti tam taky nešli...já mám užovku dlouhou 98cm a už pro ní plánuju nové terárko a to jí nemám ani 1rok...
Ano, pro mláďe to na rok, dva stačí - však jsem psal, že to nejde pro dospěláka,.....
Pokud někdo chová dospělou gutku v takovem teráriu, hraničí to pak s týráním,.......
Jde jen o to, aby sis nekoupil hada, protože mu tohle jako mláděti stačí a za rok, dva zjistil, že nemáš finance na větší terárko a hada tak natrápil,.....
Nebo pokud nemáš místo na větší terárko, pořiď si nějakou korálovku
Té to stačit bude, navíc je všude seženeš a jsou krásněji zbarvené,......v mnoha poddruzích ( alterna, pyromelana,..... )
Jojo, ony jsou mnohdy informace na netu trochu dvojsmyslné a zavádějící, pokud bys však trvale udržoval teplotu PO CELÉM teráriu oněch 28 - 32, jak se rádo a často uvádí, pak Ti had časem pojde, ony totiž dlouhodobé teploty nad 30C jsou smrtelné pro většinu námi chovaných plazíků.
Teplotu po teráriu nesleduj, i když by nááhodou v nejchladnější části terárka bylo 15C, pak je to jedině dobře
Hlavní je, aby mělo zvíře možnost se lokálního výhřevu - tzn. aby mělo k sipozici se nahřát pod žárovkou či na topném kameni. Až se nahřeje, samo si vybere kam zaleze a jaká teplota mu v teráriu právě vyhovuje
Proto ano, topný kámen + LED diody stačí
Ty tam budeš mít topný kámen a žárovku, která bude terárium vytápět,....
Otázka je nasnadě, když budeš mít výhřevnou žárovku, proč topný kámen.
Stačí použít jedno, nebo druhé
Co se wattáže žárovky - to musíš vyzkoušet sám. Záleží jak "chladný" a "vlhký" máš byt, kde umístěné terárium atd., atd.,....
Začni obyč. žárovkou 40W a pak buď uber nebo přidej watty tak, aby pod ní bylo 32 - 45C ( lepší je dostat se k té horní teplotní hranici ), kolik je stupňů ve zbytku terária neřeš